Message From Dr S

The featured content in this spot of the website will continuously change with various topics related to mental health issues and well-being.

However, I thought for the first version, I would post a message myself.

It has been quite a journey up to this point. Although the core concepts and essence of what is represented here were born more than 20 years ago, it is the experiences in that time and all of the steps taken on this journey that made it possible for it to come to fruition.

Along the way, I continued to observe and learn from different sources, my work as well as other perspectives on my curiosity about the human condition. With these various experiences, I made choices and took the steps that shaped the arc of my story thus far.

The path I walked also includes the missteps I’ve made, which are equally important to this as well as the obstacles along the journey that were not my choices or in my control, all of which contributed to this story.

With these various experiences and being witness to so many people’s stories I’ve made some important observations.

That these experiences we all live, may they be labeled good or bad, regardless if it’s one’s fault or not, help shape our journey and identity.

What is important is how one processes these experiences along with self-reflection, a sense of self, and ownership of all the steps that were made.

And these experiences may stay with you, like a shadow of the past, your shadow.

But although this shadow may stick with you, the key is not to let it loom too large or try to avoid it.

Running from your own shadow is a futile exercise as you know if you have tried. Rather , reflect on these experiences and sit with them in a process of acceptance .

And learn from them although it may be uncomfortable.

Another alternative, is to have the shadows disappear which is only possible if you hide in the dark.

But only with light can you see yourself within the shadow and accept all of it with humility. And allow the light shine upon the path with curiosity of what is possible ahead of you.

Allow the shadow to walk along side you , learn from its lessons but let it not cast darkness on the path of where you choose to step next.

In this way the arc of your story and the steps in your journey ahead are purposeful and not set in stone.

The second observation is to let the light illuminate the important concept of connection. Connection with others, nature and self.

The energy and support from these connections are essential. As nobody walks this journey alone.

This forum is about exploring your own path.

And with this sense of connection, continue to grow and evolve.

Dr S

With gratitude to my sisters, my fathers past and my mom.

Thanks also.. ambs/sos/paul